Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!

Last night we put Kadee to bed in her own bed after prayers, which made us suspicious because for the last eight years she has liked to go to bed with me (Mom) and read for 40 minutes or so before falling asleep in my bed. Usually, Kerry has to heft her to her own bed later. So, last night was a big change. We heard her running back and forth upstairs so we knew she was up to something. Turns out she has a real sense of humor...
  • All the soap was hidden from the bathrooms
  • Lotion dobbed on my alarm clock
  • Tape over my bathroom faucet
  • Vaseline Gobbed on Kerry's faucet
  • 6-8 dobs of lotion on Kerry's toilet seat
  • Lots of Salt in my water cup

Kadee had put on her school clothes under her nightgown last night in the dark and she inadvertently put her shirt on backwards. This morning she was convinced that I had somehow turned it around while she was asleep. Kerry paid her back with an eyebrow pencil mustache. We snapped a picture of her when she was "asleep" and she did not remember it. She will now.


  1. Not much new about the picture this is how she always looks

  2. too funny. Very inventive. Mustache looks good Kadee. :)

  3. LOL. I didn't even realize you guys had started a blog!! I will keep up better now!
